Past Exhibitions and Events

Exhibitions and events that have been held at Te Kōputu in the past are presented below in reverse chronological order (newest first).

Te Ararau oo Anu Maatao


Sat, 16/09/2023 - 11:00am to Sat, 11/11/2023 - 2:00pm

Below the ocean, where the intense cold exists, we acknowledge Te Anu Maatao.
Atua of space, personified as cold.


Sat, 16/09/2023 - 9:30am to Sat, 11/11/2023 - 2:00pm

This exhibition of portraiture and fashion from Arpége Taratoa and Jera-Mae Stanley highlights the need to look beyond western forms of cultural recognition, and look to traditions that can be applied in this day and age to heal Papatūānuku.

Bay of Plenty Family History Month August 2023


Fri, 04/08/2023 - 10:00am to Fri, 01/09/2023 - 4:00pm

Explore fascinating family histories in this month-long exhibition of special items from the museum collections.

From the cap presented to Joseph Warbrick’s whānau upon his induction into the World Rugby Hall of Fame, to diaries, quilts and other treasured objects that have been handed down from generation to generation. 

Ngā māreikura a Matariki, whakaniko ki Ngāti Awa


Mon, 19/06/2023 - 9:00am to Sat, 26/08/2023 - 1:00pm

This stunning exhibition brings together for the first time a collection of Ngāti Awa wāhine whose varied artworks draw on Ngāti Awa customs, values, practices and connections to the Pacific.
