Bay of Plenty Family History Month


Monday, 5 August 2024 - 10:00am to Saturday, 31 August 2024 - 4:00pm

Te Marama Hītori Ā-Whānau

Keen to learn more about family history and whakapapa? Visit Te Whare Taonga o Taketake this month to learn about our research collections, or pop along to one of many regional events.

Whāia Whānau - Mystery photographs at Taketake

Monday, 5 August – Friday, 30 August
Lend us your memory to help identify people and events in a series of mystery photographs at Taketake. Browse through a display of unknown images from our collections and help us reconnect the whakapapa of family and friends, occasions and local events.

Eastern Bay of Plenty Fallen with Sonia Edwards, QSM

Tuesday, 27 August, 11am - 12pm
Join celebrated local historian, Sonia Edwards QSM, as she shares her work to remember the hundreds of fallen soldiers from WW1 and WW2 who hailed from the Eastern Bay of Plenty. The names of these men are found on local memorials from Matatā to Whangaparāoa, and inland from Motu to Rūātoki. Come along to hear about Sonia’s research journey and her publications that bring together the stories of these brave men.

Ngā tīwhiri rangahau - Research Tips and Tricks with 'The Genies'

Tuesday, 27 August, 1.30 - 4pm
Join local family history experts, the Whakatāne Genealogical Society in exploring some fantastic resources to help you get started with family history research. The ‘Genies’ are passionate about family history research and are happy to help with the ‘How To’ of sorting through your own records and mementos.

Check out other Bay of Plenty Events happening throughout August and September